Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The Focus Journal 2019

Have you ever heard of the phrase "jack of all traits, master of none"? Well, lately, that's how I've been feeling. I'm all over the place taking care of kids, working full time, exploring a new hobby, making sure to spend quality time with the hubs, and attending bible studies and prayer meetings. Don't get me wrong. I love what I do and where I'm at, but I feel like I need to keep my focus to be able to do everything that needs to be done. I'm sure all you mommies can relate very well!

So imagine my delight when I saw this Focus Journal in the Belle de Jour website! It's just what I need. And maybe, just maybe, you're looking for something like it so let me give you a "tour"!

Hardbound in beautiful minimalist design

The journal's vision board helps you keep your focus on the things that you value the most, things that should get most of your time. When I was processing this, I realized that my kids are one of my most treasured and yet I don't feel like I spend enough time with them. :( True story for all working moms, I guess.

They say there is always room for improvement. This is where you lay down all your strengths and weaknesses so you can work on them throughout the year.

Monthly view for your appointments

I love the weekly spread! I love how there's much room for bullet journaling and doodles if you're into that.

Then you have the monthly review. When the month is done, you get to assess how well you kept your eyes on your goals and how you can improve in the coming month.

If there's a monthly review, there's a yearly review as well. I love this because I get to think about the year at its end and see how I did as a child of God, a wife, a mother, an employee, a daughter and a friend. 😊

And of course you also get a Notes section for all your note-taking needs.

If you're looking to make this year intentional and would like to work on being a better version of you, not that you're not good now because you are, definitely get yourself this Focus Journal! You'll end the year empowered and knowing yourself a lot more.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Belle De Jour Petit Planner Review

Hi, you guys!  I can't believe how long it's been since I last shared something with you here!  You might not even remember me anymore and are probably wondering why you are a follower in the first place. LOL That's alright, my bad.  Please feel free to check older posts to see what this blog is all about. :)

So! A little update.  I am now a mom of two rambunctious boys, still working full time, still very much into paper-crafting, still love coffee and still sleep-deprived.  Yep, not much has changed except that, with two babies, my heart is fuller now. And so is my figure. LOL 

At the moment, I am very much into watercolor, planners and bullet journals! My friend introduced me to planners and journals a few years ago and I've been hooked since!  In fact, what I am so excited to share with you today is this dainty little planner called BDJ (that's short for Belle De Jour) Petit Planner 2019 edition.  I've been using BDJ planners since last year. I honestly love them and this Petit Planner is no exception. It's the cutest little thing!

2019 BDJ Petit Planner
 It has everything you need in a planner and more!
☑ Small and compact (just 12cm x 14.5cm!)
☑ Yearly view
☑ Monthly view
☑ Weekly spread
☑ With PVC cover to protect from spills, pen marks or scratches inside your bag
☑ Good quality paper (100 gsm, baby!)

Bonus features! 
☑ A pocket for receipts, cards and a few bills or maybe stickers and stamps!
☑ Special pages for bucket lists, ideas and notes

But all these are just talk if I don't show you right?  Here you go! :)

Personally, I love planners that don't come too colorful or heavily designed because I like room for creativity. I love it when I can design with washi tapes, use stamps and maybe even practice a little calligraphy. 

And so right here is my last week's spread!

If you're still looking for a planner you can take with you everywhere, I hope you give this one a try!  If you're from the Philippines, you can order online here.  Do check out other items that they have most especially the super cute clear stamps like the ones I used on my spread!  If you're not from the Philippines, BDJ Planners are also available on Amazon! Follow this link for your options. :)  

More about BDJ items and how I use them on my next post!

So what about you? What have you been up to? 

Follow me on Instagram! @chelle_crafts 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

In Love..


First of all, if you're making some Valentine's Cards, I'd like to personally invite you to our $100 Valentine Card-Making Contest! Hope to see your work there!



And here's couple of free digis for all you lucky ones who are in love.. :)

Have a wonderful Season of Love!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Happy to be with you..

A word art perfect for Valentine cards.. Enjoy this freebie everyone!

Oh and I hope you'll join our contest! :) Sorry, I'm so excited I just have to announce again.. :D

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Valentine Freebies

Hello, ladies! First of all, Happy New Year!!  I know it's kinda late but I wanted to greet you anyway.  So... 2012 huh. Any new year's resolution? I have two: (1) to craft more and (2) to worry less! :)  How about you?

Okay, before I give out my very first digistamp for the year, how about a little (but exciting!) announcement? We at Let's Make Greeting Cards are hosting our very first Valentine card-making contest!!! Yay!! We're giving away CASH prizes, people! Yes, cash! As in you-can-use-it-to-buy-whatever-you-want cash! Not a GC, not a discount coupon. Cold cash. :) Cool right?? So head on over to our Official Contest Page for more information! You could win $100!! Oh and please help us spread the word by grabbing the little contest button on the sidebar. Thank you! :)

I hope you enjoy these freebies. I went ahead and made a simple word art to go with it.

Hoping this coming year will be full of blessings for everyone!


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